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ReGr()up: Health & Wellness - Dr Joanna McMillan

14 April 2020 — Deepend
ReGr()up: Health & Wellness - Dr Joanna McMillan

To celebrate 20 years in market, Deepend Group has launched ReGr()up – a PODCAST series which takes a deep-dive into the key challenges facing some of Australia’s most important industries in 2020 and more specifically, how we can navigate through these.

Drawing on decades of learnings, deep sector knowledge from trusted partners, and insights from our team of amazing thinkers across technology, digital, innovation and communications, we’ll unpack how changes in technology, culture and society are changing the solutions we must create and approaches we take across platforms in 2020 and beyond.

In our first episode  speaks with with Dr Joanna McMillan - PhD Qualified Nutritionist, Author, Health Presenter.

Dr Joanna has become one of Australia’s favourite and best-known nutrition and lifestyle specialists. She is a PhD qualified nutrition scientist, Accredited Practising Dietitian, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow with La Trobe University and a Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine.

Matt Whale, Head of Innovation for Deepend Group and MD of How To Impact has been an innovation specialist for over 16 years and in this episode he take a deep dive into customer-centricity in health and wellness, covering the following topics:

  • Gaining the right balance of experimentation vs risk management and caution in relation to healthcare and Covid-19
  • Living and Leading in a time of ambiguity
  • Busting nutrition myths and mixed messaging
  • Digital media feeding your dietary tribe and identity
  • Leveraging tech to assess diets
  • The luxury of choice we have with our foods
  • Bringing back the key foundations of a healthy diet
  • Support your immunity rather than boosting
  • Leveraging digital technology for mental health and social connection
  • Bringing back the joy of eating real food