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Deepend launches generative Ai accelerator

5 July 2023 — Deepend
Deepend launches generative Ai accelerator

Leading digital experience and product design consultancy Deepend has launched a new generative AI Accelerator to aid companies' safe, pragmatic exploration of what is possible and valuable in this emerging space.

As a business that has always explored new technology, the Deepend team has codified a clear way to understand not only how this technology might be used to create value, but also developed a suite of prototypes/tools to accelerate the process for clients and partners.

The service is built to enable the identification of contextually relevant use cases. These are supported with a safe 'generative AI sandbox' which securely handles client data to ensure exploration, without compromising on data security.

Led by Hamilton Jones, Head of Strategy and Digital Transformation, alongside Tim Fletcher, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), the team is already partnering with a number of clients to help determine where generative AI can and should be harnessed for impact.

According to Jones, the AI Accelerator is the product of six months of in-house testing, building and iteration, the outcomes of which, (‘sandboxed’ prototypes and tools) were showcased at a recent client and industry event in Sydney.

“For us, it was important to really do the work ourselves before launching anything to market. The AI Accelerator consists of a three-step process that starts by identifying valuable use cases to explore and gives access to a secure set of AI tools to then create generative-enabled use cases which can be prioritised, benchmarked and tested to demonstrate the value and implications to the wider business."

“The barrier to entry on exploration is low, once you know it's safe, and the process to value can take weeks, not months.”

Tim Fletcher, CTO at Deepend, added: “We know that data security and privacy are top of mind for organisations looking to start experimenting with generative AI. Our approach to sandboxing our AI stack and data in Microsoft Azure allows us to leverage existing security policies and ensure that we are secure.

“Building on our existing knowledge and using this practical approach, we've seen real results in a range of use cases, where efficiencies can be gained as well as where new value can be created.”

Drawing from the talent pool across agency collective Deepend Group, including innovation agency, How to Impact, and award-winning creative communications agency, History Will Be Kind, a multi-disciplined team has developed unique scenario planning and testing, backed by deep technical expertise. Efficiencies are being driven across disciplines, from Creative Content, Design Automation, Product Innovation, Process Automation and Customer Service provision. The collective Group is working simultaneously to deliver a holistic and agile approach to clients when it comes to exploring generative AI.


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