Positive Change by Design
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Teachers Health Fund

Data-driven UX doubles Teachers Health online customer bases

Teachers Health Fund

Strategic design and build, supported with scalable and continuous improvement, has seen Deepend drive sustained growth for THF's digital channels over the last four years.

Australia's largest industry based health insurer came to Deepend with a challenge to help align a vision to move the business towards a more customer centric model. Not only to stay relevant, but also drive new growth in their physical and digital channels.

Using our strategic design process, we took a holistic view of THFs business. Balancing design-thinking-led exploration coupled with data-led insights and technical analysis to determine the human factors that would deliver improved revenue streams through greater relevance. This continuous improvement has seen us drive homogeneous growth and customer retention across the Teachers Health business.

"The vision and commitment to best in class creative, user experience and technical execution has seen us launch a new website and vision for digital channels which will enable our success for many years to come."

Wendy Taylor - Marketing Director, Teachers Health

Using a mix of outside-in influences (qualitative research across multiple cohorts) and inside-out data analysis (quantitative log, path analysis and internal search) we re-designed and redeveloped Teachers Health primary online revenue channel to not just meet but exceed customer expectation.

We complemented this technical build by providing a range of ongoing services that ensure the same strategic design approach, coupled with data-informed optimisations, continues to drive revenue by evolving THFs offering inline with changing customer needs.

We have doubled the overall revenue raised and our focus on continuous improvement also extends to Media efficiency, improving overall conversion and value 'per visitor.'

Below are some key creative highlights of our ongoing design solution for THF

Simple & Intuitive Interface

We removed the traditional complexity of private health insurance quotes by creating a simple 'needs statement' tool, where users can enter their age, relationship status, geographic location and reason they're considering health insurance

Live Quotes

Kept users engaged to find their solution and, once completed, generating a personalised ‘Live Quote,’ where users could make further adjustments to see real-time updates to cost and coverage levels, without refreshing the page.

Context Sensitive - Sticky Quotes

Context Sensitive - Sticky Quotes

As customers browse the rest of the site, a custom quote persistently follows them quietly on every page.

Technology and engineering on THF addresses coding, ways of working, governance and ongoing operational improvements.

Deepend Teachers Health Fund

Digital Readiness Assessment

We conducted an assessment of THF's full platform capabilities and dependencies in order to lay down the right groundwork for both integration and overall architecture. We ensure we understand technical debt and any legacy complexity that will impact our customer journey.

Deepend Teachers Health Fund


In our world, interoperability is the is the key to a great digital experience. We worked with IT and THF's technical partners to understand the moving components required to support the customer journey we were creating. This helps establish interoperability and integration points. Data capture, what we currently collect (and it's value) as well as other elements that might require capture to add additional value and success metrics.

Deepend Teachers Health Fund

Robust Delivery

Automated deployment scripts, automated testing and QA, plus a well-run sprint process ensured we moved the needle on deployments with a 35% increase in the number of monthly deployments. Furthermore, we also saw a 25% decrease in defects over a 12 month period.

Deepend Teachers Health Fund

Governance & Oversite

We like to ensure there are the proper mechanisms in place to ensure not only the right engineering outcome but also the best product possible and ensure there is a great solution in the market. Our governance frameworks align with THF's internal operations and are also bolstered by key technical and design leads from within Deepend.

Deepend Teachers Health Fund

Technical Sophistication

User-centric versatility and keeping the solution simple drove the technical complexity of the application build. From separating mandatory CRM platform integrations into several more comprehendible steps, to automatically synchronising new membership applications into the HAMBs platform via secure Electronic Services Bus (ESB), development decisions were always made with the user as the key driver.

We employ cyclical continuous improvement, using analytics and data to inform a range of incremental sub-projects and driving positive change in key areas such as audience acquisition and conversion.

Monthly Analytics & Optimisation

Monthly Analytics & Optimisation

Recommendations that shape the customer journey and consistently improve commercial returns and cross-sell opportunities.

A/B Testing & 'Dark' Releases

A/B Testing & 'Dark' Releases

To test hypothesis on improved user experiences which can be scaled based on success.

Ongoing Propensity Modelling

Ongoing Propensity Modelling

Driving media investments and funding horizons.

Annual 'Outside-In' Check Ins

Annual 'Outside-In' Check Ins

Plus user testing, validation and feedback with various cohorts to ensure relevance.

Result Listing

10% month on month improvement in conversion efficiency

70% of which is driven by data analysis and 30% which is driven by hypothesis testing and cohort 'outside-in' validation and learning.

+165% Increase in new customer sign ups

Before the redesigned and rebuild site, it took 392 visitors to the site to convert to a new customer, after we redesigned and rebuilt it, that dropped to 148 visitors, almost double.