Positive Change by Design
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Armor Australia

Designing a platform befitting of Australia’s leading designer and manufacturer of Ballistic Protection Systems.

Armor Australia

Building a platform for Australia’s leading designer and manufacturer of Ballistic Protection Systems.

Armor Australia has a long and proud history of being a leading designer and manufacturer of leading edge Ballistic Protection Systems. Their products are revered word wide, but as is the case with many successful businesses, they hadn’t revisited their brand or how they position themselves in some time.

Deepend have really come on the journey with us as a business. Their design process has elevated our products to a level we can all be proud of.

Charlotte O’Connor - Director of Business Development and Strategy

Overhauling their brand was the first step in better defining their position in the market and better communicating this to their key audience segments, across armed forces and law enforcement, as well as more commercial applications, such as protective construction and armoured vehicles. The website was a key communication platform for the brand, particularly looking to showcase the cutting edge manufacturing techniques that Armor Australia bring to bear on their product development.

Deepend Armor Australia

Design centred around the development of a highly modular design system, bringing a contemporary, modern feel to the brand.

Deepend Armor Australia

The use of 3D rendering for Products further communicated the sophistication of the products, which enabling a consistency to the look and feel that would not have been possible with existing photography.

The site have been built on the open source, .Net based Umbraco platform. This has proven to be a highly useable, intuitive platform for the Armor editorial team.

The site uses the Deepend Mjonir framework – utilising a pre-existing modular base to deliver great value to Armor Australia over a short production timeline.

Deepend Armor Australia

Data strategy has been in place from launch, to ensure all actions are appropriately tagged and measured, building Armor Australia’s digital literacy over time.

This content strategy has been extended to include long-tail terms, to build a broader content footprint over time.

Starting from a rudimentary base, the underlying content strategy has been key to the technical SEO strategy of the site, and a core driver of organic traffic to the site